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PFAS Treatment Experts

Cost effectively treating PFAS requires a thorough understanding of how to combine process design and equipment design, since each potential solution has advantages and limitations and there is no “one size fits all” approach

ChartWater offers 4 proven and viable solutions for PFAS removal. Our expertise and experience will guide you to the solution with the lowest total life-cycle cost considering all aspects of the project, including site limitations, water quality, and permit requirements.

What are PFAS?

  • Per and Poly FluoroAlkyl Substances
  • Class of up to 12,000 compounds
  • Carbon chain with fluorine substituting some, or all, of the hydrogen
  • Vary in carbon chain length with both short and long chain variants
  • Often described as the perfect molecule - they don't burn, they don't easily degrade and they repel oil, water and grease
  • Epidemiological studies have revealed associations between exposure to specific PFAS and a variety of detrimental health outcomes




Been there, done that!

We've been tackling PFAS for years, successfully guiding utilities and engineers through dozens of pilots and >30 full-scale permitted treatment installations.

Optimized Operating Cost

We consider all aspects of a project; water quality, media life, site limitations, hydraulics, permitting and more, to guide you to a solution with the lowest life-cycle cost.

Combined Solutions

PFAS may not be alone. We combine proven PFAS solutions with our extensive matrix of treatment technologies to deliver a complete, fully integrated water treatment package.

Expert Guidance

There is no 'one size fits all' approach for PFAS. We combine our process and equipment knowledge to present all available treatment options with their relative merits to provide the optimum solution.

Who We Are and What We Do

AdEdge is a water treatment solution provider specializing in the design, manufacturing and execution of engineered systems that remove a wide range of contaminants from drinking, waste and industrial water, together with water reuse applications.
BlueInGreen (BIG) is a water clean-tech specialist and dissolved gas expert that leads the effort to replace chemicals, catalysts and ambient air with oxygen, carbon dioxide and ozone delivering lower treatment costs for pH control, oxidation and odor control.
Howden is a global manufacturer of high efficiency blowers and compressors and innovative digital solutions for advanced, efficient smart ambient aeration systems.

ChartWater™ is a global manufacturer of high-recovery and low-waste solutions for the treatment and removal of ammonia, arsenic, boron, BOD, chromium VI, disinfection, fluoride, gross alpha, hardness, iron, lead, manganese, nitrates, perchlorate, PFAS, pH and corrosion control, radium, selenium, sulfides/odor, TDS, TSS, TOC, turbidity, uranium, VOC's and any combination of multiple contaminants. Howden blowers and compressors are key components of aeration systems used to manage effluent and our portfolio includes the renowned HV-TURBO/TURBLEX and Spencer products and brands.
Scroll down for more information, and access our resource center for brochures, specifications, case studies and more.


Introducing ChartWater

With >8,100 installations across 85 countries, ChartWater technologies, products and services help provide sanitation and safe drinking water to almost a billion people worldwide.
Learn more in under 4 minutes with our short video.

Video Library


Water Treatment Expertise

Providing a complete portfolio of solutions for the treatment and removal of multiple water contaminants. Scroll through to learn more about our products and access supporting information.


PFAS Removal

ChartWater has extensive experience with effective methods for removing PFAS from water. We combine our proven PFAS treatment solutions with our matrix of treatment technologies to provide a complete system, including pre- and post- treatment as needed, to best fit the application and optimize the total life-cycle cost.

Arsenic Removal

Compliance with World Health Organisation and US EPA maximum contaminant level of 10 parts ber billion for arsenic impacts thousands of water systems globally. ChartWater provides multiple solutions, from residential applications all the way to systems that treat millions of gallons of water every day.

BOD Reduction

Fully functional water treatment system packaged in a robust 20-ft ISO shipping container contains two skid-mounted SDOX® 600 BIG technology units and the balance of equipment. Each Dual SDOX® 600 unit can deliver more than 10,000 lbs. (4,500 kg) of oxygen per day, with the number of containers required being a function of your treatment needs.

Nitrate Removal

biottta® is a sustainable biological alternative to ion exchange and reverse osmosis for the removal of nitrates and other organic and inorganic contaminants. Furthermore, biottta® breaks down contaminants and eliminates the nitrate laden waste stream left by the traditional technologies.

Manganese Removal

Manganese is common in groundwater and typically seen as a nuisance contaminant causing discoloration and taste issues. However, recent studies have shown manganese toxicity targeting the central nervous system resulting in lowered IQ, poor motor functions, decreased attention span, and hyperactivity, especially in children.

SDOX Success

The award winning Simmons food plant achieves stringent permit requirements prior to discharging treated effluent through ChartWater's SDOX technology.


Centrifugal Blowers

Single and multistage blowers can be supplied either with an integrated or separate gearbox, to suit your needs and application requirements. Our product brands Howden, HV-TURBO, TURBLEX, Spencer and CubusTurbo by Howden are renowned in the water treatment sector.


Over a daily cycle wastewater entering the treatment plant fluctuates with a peak in the morning and lull over night. Biological removal is the largest energy consumer in a wastewater treatment plant. CubusTurbo by Howden delivers the highest efficiency over the widest operating range.

CubusTurbo by Howden

CubusTurbo by Howden is a fully integrated turbo blower complete with variable frequency drive and on board control system ensuring a simple and cost effective installation solution for municipal and industrial wastewater applications.

Spencer Power Mizer

Power Mizer Series 7000 blowers were furnished at a wastewater treatment facility in China, serving a city of 4.5 million. The system provides 40,000 cfm of air to the biological treatment process in 36 aeration basins through a network of fine bubble diffusers.

Prescriptive Maintenance

Using Howden Uptime to create outcome focused recommendations for operation and maintenance of high speed turbo blowers used in wastewater aeration.


With an increased need to protect water resources and reuse wastewater, many industries are looking at mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) based zero liquid discharge (ZLD) systems. Howden MVR systems purify discharge and recycle water for reuse.


High performance centrifugal turbo compressor for municipal wastewater treatment and industrial applications. Howden also provides expertise service and support to your existing HV-TURBO/TURBLEX equipment.

Engineered Systems

Complete custom engineered packaged cryogenic storage and vaporization solutions for a wide range of applications across industry, science, energy, medical, food and beverage, leisure, water treatment and more.

Ramsey, NJ Case Study

When the community of Ramsey, NJ was advised that their current provider could no longer meet their water treatment needs they turned to ChartWater for a system that treats multiple contaminants, including removing PFAS and arsenic simultaneously.

Carbonic Acid on Demand

ChartWater’s saturated carbon dioxide dissolution technology (CDOX®) is the most efficient method of dissolving carbon dioxide in liquids, creating carbonic acid on-demand for a variety of municipal and industrial pH control applications to efficiently treat water in outfalls, pipes, and basins.

SDOX Pinheiros River

SDOX Available in UK

Used widely throughout North and South America for almost 20 years, SDOX® technology is a proven method for remediating spills of untreated sewage into local rivers, oxygenating biological wastewater treatment processes at sewage and industrial wastewater treatment facilities.

Aeration Systems

Aeration can account for up to 75% of your plant's overall energy expenditure during the wastewater treatment process. A well designed system reduces treatment process time, improves energy efficiency and reduces costs.

wastewater aeration

ChartWater boasts a comprehensive portfolio of turbo technology to meet the requirements of all water treatment facilities with capacities ranging from <5000 m3/hr to >80000 m3/hr.

Spencer Power Mizer centrifugal blower

Spencer Power Mizer

In the water and wastewater treatment industry Power Mizer blowers are famed for their rugged dependability in demanding applications including:

  • Wastewater aeration
  • Sewage aeration
  • Odor control
  • Grit chamber aeration
  • Channel aeration
  • Filter backwash

CubusTurbo by Howden

  • High efficiency operation with unique dual point control
  • Multi blower control negates the need for a master control panel
  • Proven motor technology using active magnetic bearings
  • Proven and reliable aerodynamic performance
  • Simple handling and installation
  • Simplified maintenance for minimized lifecycle costs
  • Protection against power failure
  • Howden Uptime - digital twin and augmented reality driven performance optimization

CubusTurbo by Howden centrifugal blower

HV Turbo (Turblex) KA Series centrifugal blower


Compact design reduces floor/plot space and facilitates the replacement of older, less efficient compressors.

  • Highest efficiency maintained over the operating range, including turndown
  • Turndown to 45% at constant speed
  • Exceptionally long life with minimized maintenance
  • Guaranteed oil-free air delivery
  • Low noise and zero pressure pulsation

Treating Multiple Contaminants

The combined technologies of AdEdge and BlueInGreen provide a complete portfolio of treatment solutions for removal/treatment of multiple water contaminants.

water treatment matrix

Treatment Systems for PFAS

PFAS are a family of man-made chemicals known to cause health issues.

  • Four validated treatment solutions for optimized life-cycle costs
  • Any size system
  • Turnkey media replacement and disposal services
  • Can be delivered as Treatment as a Service (TaaS) systems for emergency treatment

PFAS water treatment

High Recovery, Low Waste Solutions

ChartWater Systems optimize water use, wastewater treatment, water recycle and re-use, eliminate waste and improve efficiencies. Water recycle and re-use is important everywhere but especially in arid regions

Food and beverage plant example.

  • Recycled water is available onsite for washing, irrigation, and if regulation allows, potable re-use
  • Carbon dioxide for carbonation and/or pH control
  • Precise nitrogen dosing reduces the thickness of plastic for bottles (reducing waste and cost) and removes Total Packaged Oxygen (TPO) to extend the shelf life of products
  • Examples include beverages, potato chips, cereals and baby foods


Connecting Clean Water and Green Hydrogen

Chart's combined water treatment and cryogenic technologies can create a complete value chain for providing clean water and green hydrogen.

  • Recycled water is treated to ultra-purity standards suitable for hydrogen electrolysis
  • Hydrogen energy and pure oxygen, stored as a cryogenic liquid, are used with SDOX technology for improved wastewater treatment
  • Hydrogen is stored and distributed as a cryogenic liquid gas


Smart Aeration

Enhancing wastewater solutions with the combination of Uptime, offering a unique and innovative digital solution for the performance optimisation of your equipment.

Howden Uptime
Howden Waste Water Tehnologies


Treating Multiple Contaminants

The combined technologies of AdEdge and BlueInGreen provide a complete portfolio of treatment solutions for removal/treatment of multiple water contaminants.

water treatment matrix

Treatment Systems for PFAS

PFAS are a family of man-made chemicals known to cause health issues.

  • Four validated treatment solutions for optimized life-cycle costs
  • Any size system
  • Turnkey media replacement and disposal services
  • Can be delivered as Treatment as a Service (TaaS) systems for emergency treatment

PFAS water treatment

High Recovery, Low Waste Solutions

ChartWater Systems optimize water use, wastewater treatment, water recycle and re-use, eliminate waste and improve efficiencies. Water recycle and re-use is important everywhere but especially in arid regions

Food and beverage plant example.

  • Recycled water is available onsite for washing, irrigation, and if regulation allows, potable re-use
  • Carbon dioxide for carbonation and/or pH control
  • Precise nitrogen dosing reduces the thickness of plastic for bottles (reducing waste and cost) and removes Total Packaged Oxygen (TPO) to extend the shelf life of products
  • Examples include beverages, potato chips, cereals and baby foods


Connecting Clean Water and Green Hydrogen

Chart's combined water treatment and cryogenic technologies can create a complete value chain for providing clean water and green hydrogen.

  • Recycled water is treated to ultra-purity standards suitable for hydrogen electrolysis
  • Hydrogen energy and pure oxygen, stored as a cryogenic liquid, are used with SDOX technology for improved wastewater treatment
  • Hydrogen is stored and distributed as a cryogenic liquid gas


Smart Aeration

Enhancing wastewater solutions with the combination of Uptime, offering a unique and innovative digital solution for the performance optimisation of your equipment.

Howden Uptime
Howden Waste Water Tehnologies



Treatment as a Service (TaaS)

Self-Contained. Easily Deployed. Containerized award-winning solutions reduce infrastructure costs and increase the design’s utility in temporary applications, such as emergency environmental remediation, waste water treatment capacity constraints, and the removal of a variety of contaminants including PFAS and arsenic.

TaaS includes turn-key emergency or long-term OneChart™ water treatment services and equipment with the financial flexibility of a monthly contract.





Sustainable Beverage/Brewery Operation

ChartWater systems optimize water use, wastewater treatment, water recycle and re-use, eliminate waste and improve efficiencies.

sustainable brewery

  • 1. Water Source: Potable, municipal water.
  • 2. Utility Water: Potable municipal water for cleaning, landscaping, and other ancillary uses (non-production).
  • 3. Granular Activated Carbon (GAC): Removal of residual chlorine and trace organics to improve taste and address odor while preventing the formation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs). Additional purification may be required for alternate water sources, e.g., groundwater wells.
  • 4. High Recovery Reverse Osmosis (RO):  Seasonal, geographical, and climate-change related variations in water quality and availability drive demand for reverse osmosis treatment. High Recovery RO is an advanced approach to produce consistent high quality water while reducing operating costs (e.g., reduced water input, discharge, chemicals,labor).
  • 5. High Quality Process Water: Used in the brewing process and for (6) critical, utility production applications (e.g., steam generation).
  • 6. Utility Water: Potable municipal water for cleaning, landscaping, and other ancillary uses (non-production).
  • 7. Carbon Capture (CC): Small-scale carbon-capture systems using CiCi® technology from Chart’s Earthly Labs captures high quality CO2 released during fermentation, reducing CO2 costs and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
  • 8. Recycled CO2: CO2 captured during fermentation may be used for carbonation of the product or for pH control.
  • 9. Precision Nitrogen Dosing: Liquid nitrogen (LN2) dosers provide precise volumes of LN2 to reduce total packaged oxygen and pressurize containers to increase rigidity of packaging.
  • 10. Wastewater Treatment: Wastewater is often discharged to a local municipal wastewater treatment (WWT) plant; however, supersaturated dissolved oxygen (SDOX®) technology enables efficient on-site pre-treatment, reducing municipal surcharges, energy costs and GHG emissions. Retrofitting existing WWT with SDOX® can reduce energy costs and GHG emissions by approximately 50%.
  • 11. High-recovery Water Reuse: Facilities with onsite WWT may recycle and treat wastewater for potable applications using high-recovery RO and advanced oxidation and other processes, reducing total water use.
  • 12. Onsite Use of Recycled Water: Recycled water can be reused as utility water and potentially redirected to the headworks of the treatment process at various stages, depending on water quality, degree of purification, and regulations for direct potable reuse.
  • 13. Recycling of Backwash Water: Rather than sending the GAC backwash water to the drain, this is another simple way to generate sustainable savings by recycling the GAC backwash water.

ChartWater Resource Center

Brochures, spec sheets, case studies and more.

AdEdge - 3rd Party Validation of Bayoxide® E33 Media

Bayoxide® E33 Media utilized by ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies for adsorption of arsenic from water is the industry benchmark, providing the longest life and best life-cycle economics.

AdEdge - Arsenic Treatment Solutions

ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies has over 400 arsenic treatment systems installed throughout the world. Learn more about the multiple proven solutions we offer to provide you with the best fit for you application.

AdEdge - biottta® Biological Treatment of Nitrate from Drinking Water

A biological treatment process for the removal of nitrate from drinking water, eliminating the problematic high concentration waste stream typical of legacy technologies.

AdEdge - Corporate Profile

The AdEdge Corporate Profile provides an overview of our company's technologies capabilities, solutions, and the markets we serve.

AdEdge - Emergency Treatment Services (TaaS) for PFAS and Arsenic

ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies provides Treatment-as-a-Service (TaaS) to remove PFAS and Arsenic from water sources. TaaS includes turn-key emergency or long-term treatment equipment and services with the financial flexibility of a monthly contract.

AdEdge - GAC Treatment Solutions

ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies is a leading provider of advanced water treatment technologies and solutions of all sizes serving both municipal and industrial clients. In October 2021, Calgon Carbon signed a referral agreement with AdEdge to partner in offering granular activated carbon treatment systems to a specific part of the drinking water market.

AdEdge - H2Zero Backwash Recycle System

ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies developed a complete backwash recycle solution to achieve > 99.7% water recovery for systems treating arsenic, iron, and/or manganese.

AdEdge - Manganese Treatment Solutions

ChartWater's AdEdge Water Technologies has >350 treatment systems installed removing manganese from water. Learn more about the multiple proven solutions we offer to provide the best fit for your application.

AdEdge - PFAS Treatment Solutions Overview

With over 1,100 water treatment systems treating a variety of contaminants installed and operating since 2002, ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies has extensive experience with effective methods for removing PFAS from water and can help be your guide to address PFAS.

AdEdge - PFAS Treatment with FLUORO-SORB Media

ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies designs and manufactures multiple solutions for PFAS treatment to provide a complete treatment system, including pre-treatment as needed, to best fit the application and optimize the total life-cycle cost. One of the most capable media solutions we offer is FLUORO-SORB.

AdEdge - Treatment Solutions for Permanent Dewatering

Buildings constructed in areas with shallow groundwater may be require permanent onsite treatment of extracted water to meet local or state water quality requirements prior to discharge. ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies supplies complete and integrated solutions to handle multiple contaminant removal needs.

AdEdge - WaterPOD Containerized Treatment Systems

ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies WaterPOD solution provides a complete turn-key water treatment system inside of a modular container, customized to meet the site-specific requirements and customer preferences, saving time and money.

BlueInGreen - Aeration Comparison

The more efficient your aeration system is, the more money you save. See how BlueInGreen solutions compare against traditional aeration systems.

BlueInGreen - Dual SDOX®600 Container

Treat more flow with greater treatment demands in a smaller footprint using a fraction of the energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Each Dual SDOX® container can treat up to 4 MGD (15,142 m3/day) of typical domestic wastewater.

BlueInGreen - Odor and Corrosion Control

Supersaturated dissolved oxygen for odor and corrosion control in Collection Systems (SDOX-CS®).

BlueInGreen - Oxidation

Supersaturated dissolved ozone (HyDOz®) for oxidation.

BlueInGreen - pH Control with CO2

Supersaturated dissolved carbon dioxide for pH control.

BlueInGreen - SDOX® Oxygenation

Supersaturated dissolved oxygen (SDOX®) for oxygenation.

BlueinGreen - TaaS



An overview of ChartWater offering comprehensive water treatment solutions from Chart Industries, BlueInGreen, AdEdge Water Technologies and Howden.

CubusTurbo by Howden (Deutsch)

Plug and play turbo blower range for industrial and wastewater applications. European version, German translation.

CubusTurbo by Howden (EU Model)

Plug and play turbo blower range for industrial and wastewater applications. European version.

CubusTurbo by Howden (US Model)

Plug and play turbo blower range for industrial and wastewater applications. US version

Engineered Systems for Water Treatment

ChartWater LOX and LCO2 systems for water treatment plants.

HV-TURBO Centrifugal Turbo Compressor

HV-TURBO compressors are engineered and built according to plant specifications and consume significantly less energy compared to other compressor designs.

Spencer - Power Mizer Multistage Centrifugal Blowers

Providing high efficiency air delivery for water and wastewater treatment applications, such as sewage aeration, odor control, grit chamber aeration, channel aeration and filter backwash.

TURBLEX Centrifugal Turbo Compressor

TURBLEX compressors are engineered and built according to plant specifications and consume significantly less energy compared to other compressor designs.

TURBLEX/HV-TURBO - Wastewater Aeration

TURBLEX/HV-TURBO compressors are significantly more energy efficient compared to other compressor designs used for biological effluent treatment in municipal and industrial sewage plants.

AdEdge - Biological Treatment of Nitrate from Drinking Water in Taylorville, IL

The City of Taylorville, IL selected ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies to design and deliver a biottta® system to biologically remove nitrates from their drinking water, the first of its kind in the Midwest.

AdEdge - Containerized Arsenic and PFAS Treatment Solution - Ramsey, NJ

ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies designed and delivered four containerized Arsenic treatment systems and two multi-contaminant PFAS and Arsenic systems, improving water quality and reduce water production costs.

AdEdge - Evaluate and Optimize Manganese Water Treatment

There is increased attention on the health concerns related to manganese at elevated levels in drinking water. Based on our recognition as manganese treatment experts, ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies participated in helping to develop a thorough resource to assist communities and operators evaluate methods to reduce manganese.

AdEdge - How to Develop The Best Construction Dewatering Solutions

AdEdge Water Technologies specializes in the design, development, fabrication, and supply of water treatment solutions. They’ve developed innovative technologies to remove a wide range of contaminants in permanent construction dewatering applications.

AdEdge - In depth look into iron and manganese treatment

ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies experts outline the best practices and solutions for treating these contaminants.

AdEdge - Removing Iron and Manganese Case Study - Louisville, GA

ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies helped lower iron and manganese levels to non-detectable levels with a packaged skid mounted system.

AdEdge - Removing Iron and Manganese Case Study - Meadow Lake MHC, MI

ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies skid mounted treatment system utilizing high rate AD26 oxidation/filtration media helped improve the water quality for over 1,000 people.

AdEdge - Removing PFAS Is More Complicated (And Solvable) Than You Think

When it comes to removing PFAS, don’t assume you know what technology is best. ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies is an experienced partner that can help you implement the approach with the lowest life-cycle cost.

AdEdge - USEPA Demonstrations Proving Effectiveness of AdEdge Arsenic Solutions

ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies was selected by USEPA through an expert peer review process in cooperation with the individual host sites to conduct full scale arsenic treatment demonstrations using Bayoxide® E33 adsorption and AD26 oxidation/filtration technologies.

AdEdge - When Sequestering Fails: Removing Iron and Manganese and Recycling Backwash Waste Case Study – Upchurch Place, NC

Upchurch Place could not solve the aesthetic issues in their water caused by iron and manganese with sequestering. ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies provided their AD26L treatment system with a complete H2Zero Backwash Recycle and Sludge Management solution.

BlueInGreen - Advancing Cleaner Water with CO2 for pH control

Common uses of CO2 for pH adjustments in water treatment and how Chart and BlueInGreen solutions work together.

BlueInGreen - CDOX® - Omaha Municipal Utility District

BlueInGreen CDOX® technology provided superior operational performance relative to the competing technology, including a 90% reduction in carrier water and associated energy use.

BlueInGreen - CDOX® Campbell's / Snyder's Lance

Wastewater pre-treatment - CDOX® and CO2-based system replaced manual chemical dosing of strong-acids, increasing workplace safety while reducing operating costs.

BlueInGreen – SDOX® Chestermere

Prevent formation of H2S in Chestermere, Alberta at a fraction of the cost of chemical applications while enhancing the lifespan of existing infrastructure.

BlueInGreen – SDOX® Flat Creek Municipal WWT

The Flat Creek Reclaimed Water Plant in Gainesville, GA, has won national and regional awards. The wastewater treatment plant is highly regarded with a reputation for innovation and a solid track record of environmental compliance.

BlueInGreen - SDOX® Mountaire Farms

Replacing mechanical surface aerators with SDOX® technology to fulfill the oxygen needs of biological treatment processes without interrupting operations.

BlueInGreen - SDOX® Pulp & Paper Mill, Arkansas

To improve odor management, reduce chemical treatment and operating costs, a pulp and paper mill installed two SDOX® systems.

BlueInGreen - SDOX® Seaboard-Triumph Foods

A pork processing plant replaced chemical treatments of hydrogen peroxide and a catalyst with SDOX® technology to mitigate sulfide production by promoting an aerobic environment in the facility’s wastewater effluent.

BlueInGreen - SDOX® Simmons Foods

“We are extremely pleased with the results of the two SDOX systems. Aside from making it easier for us to stay in compliance during cold weather, once fully optimized, the energy savings alone are expected to justify the equipment.”

BlueInGreen - SDOX® Tyson Foods

A facility operating at full capacity with no reserve replaced its conventional jet aeration system with SDOX®. By eliminating plant downtime during the retrofit BIG saved the facility millions of Dollars. In operation SDOX® reduces energy use by ~75% (1,650 HP), saving more than $646,000 in annual energy costs, reduces net cost of consumables and increases treatment capacity.

ChartWater Aeration System at Electric Power Plant

Using LOX to optimize oxygen levels deployed downstream from a dam.

ChartWater biottta® treatment system in Cold Spring, MN

Cold Spring's (MN) first biological treatment plant using ChartWater biottta® treatment system.

LCO2 System for Water Treatment

ChartWater supplied a water treatment plant in GA with a liquid carbon dioxide facility as part of the arsenic removal process.

LOX Supply for Ozone Generation

LOX Systems approach with 26K gal liquid oxygen storage ensures gaseous oxygen supply in ozone treatment.

LOX System for Ozone Generation

Chart developed the cryogenic liquid oxygen storage system for a new water plant using ozone, instead of chlorine for pre-treatment.

LOX Technology for Water Treatment

ChartWater supplied a liquid oxygen system as part of an upgrade and performance improvements at a municipal water treatment facility in CA.

Ozone Generation Using LOX

Chart developed the liquid oxygen unloading, storage and vaporization system for the world's largest submerged membrane water treatment plant.

Recarbonation with CDOX

Water quality management at a 120 MGD (454,250 m3/day) lime softening plant in Minneapolis, MN reports 12 years of continuing, and enhanced, major benefits from the successful full-scale use of a special method for delivering pH-reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) to a recarbonation chamber. First published in Carbon Dioxide Injection News - February 2025

Waste Heat Recovery at SNB

Waste heat recovery application within a sewage treatment plant in the Netherlands.

Engineered Systems

A custom built, application focused cryogenic packaged solution comprising principal Chart built storage tanks, vaporizers, vacuum insulated pipe with associated control and automation systems.

Engineered Systems (Flipbook)

A custom built, application focused cryogenic packaged solution comprising principal Chart built storage tanks, vaporizers, vacuum insulated pipe with associated control and automation systems.

AdEdge - Manganese Dioxide Media

For arsenic, iron, manganese, and sulfide removal.

AdEdge - Manganese Treatment Solutions

ChartWater's AdEdge Water Technologies has >350 treatment systems installed removing manganese from water. View the specs to find the best fit for your application.

AdEdge 26L Media

ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies’ AD26L media effectively removes iron, manganese, and sulfide from water using just chlorine and with no regeneration required.

AdEdge AD26 Media

ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies’ AD26 media effectively removes iron, manganese, and sulfide from water using just chlorine and with no regeneration required.

AdEdge AD88 and AD88-S Resin

ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies’ AD88 and AD88-S resins remove radium from water and can be designed as both a regenerating or one-time use system.

AdEdge AD92 Resin

ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies’ AD92 resin removes uranium from water and can be designed as both a regenerating or one-time use system.

AdEdge ADGS+ Media

ChartWater’s AdEdge Water Technologies’ ADGS+ media effectively removes iron, manganese, and sulfide from water using just chlorine and with no regeneration required.

AdEdge Arsenic Bid Qualification

Document and specification package by AdEdge.

Ambient Air Vaporizers – Thermafin Supergap (Made in US)

For high pressure to high flow applications.

BlueInGreen pH Control

StreamLine®CO2 systems offers highly efficient pH adjustment at a lower capital cost than conventional equipment.

HSi-CO2 Series

Horizontal storage integrated bulk system for CO2 supply in outdoor installation. Manufactured in US.

Nitrogen Boost System for Ozone Generation

VSi-CO2 Series

Vertical storage integrated bulk systems for CO2 supply in outdoor installation. Manufactured in US.

Water Treatment Matrix

Summary of ChartWater’s extensive technologies and solutions to remove 25 contaminants from water. Comprising the expertise of both AdEdge and BlueInGreen.

Click the contact us button to connect with a water treatment specialist

Select 'Email an Inquiry' and fill out a short form

BlueInGreen  +1 304 825 5244

AdEdge  +1 678 835 0052

ChartWater India  +91-9717032880

Aeration  +45 4921 1400

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