Complete solution including compressors, oil removal systems, vacuum cold box with integral turboexpanders, heat exchangers, storage tanks, cryogenic distribution system and trailer loading system. Integral nitrogen re-liquefaction is offered as an option. All major components are built by Chart.
3D Models Showing 10 Tons/Day Hydrogen Liquefier Vacuum Cold Box – 10 ft Diameter x 40 ft High – 300 K to 20 K
A complete liquefaction system typically includes flash, recycle and feed (where applicable) compressors, oil removal systems (where applicable), a vacuum cold box containing heat exchangers, adsorbers, expanders, valves & instrument, product storage & distribution and control & analytical systems.
The net refrigeration requirements for a liquefier are much higher than for a refrigerator of comparable recycle flow. Therefore, a liquefier will have higher expander power and will often include more expanders to improve process efficiency. Use of an external refrigerant is quite common in liquefier applications since it will reduce the recycle flow requirements up to 75%.
The combination of Chart and Cryo Technologies offers the market a unique one-stop shop for customers who want to liquefy, store, distribute and market the hydrogen molecule, regardless of plant capacity.
Chart's hydrogen liquefaction processes use liquid nitrogen pre-cooling, helium or hydrogen refrigeration cycles and rotating equipment, all designed and selected to offer our customers the optimum balance between CAPEX and OPEX.
Proven process technologies, high quality, custom engineered and commercially available components, expert fabrication and maximized shop packaging unite to reduce cost, schedule, and risk.
To meet each customer’s specific needs, customization options include choice of capacity, choice of refrigeration cycle, choice of compression, optional front-end purification, optional nitrogen re-liquefaction, and unlimited storage and trailer loading options.
Chart acquisitions Cryo Technologies and Fronti Fabrications have been working together for more than 30 years utilizing their deep cryogenic expertise to create solutions for purifying and liquefying hydrogen and helium. Together with our brazed aluminum heat exchangers, cold boxes and cryogenic storage tanks, Chart has the unique advantage of being able to fully design engineer, build and assemble complete plants in house.
Chart only designs and manufactures the critical equipment for the hydrogen supply chain. We do not produce the molecule nor own/operate our equipment, so there is never a conflict of interest with our customers.
Compression is one of the main components in the hydrogen liquefaction processes, and selecting the right compression solution is a key step in improving the feasibility of these applications
Howden, with more than a century of hydrogen and gas applications experience and a product range that covers every major technology, can advise on, design and supply the right safe, reliable and cost-effective compressor solution for virtually any situation.
The combination of our deep cryogenic expertise, Howden's compression know-how and proven track records, makes Chart your ideal project partner to deliver gaseous and liquid hydrogen solutions across the value chain.
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Cryo Technologies Main Office +1 610 530 7288